TGIF! I am super excited for this weekend. Tonight we're going to our wedding venue for dinner! Saturday and Sunday we don't have major plans which is nice. My cousin and her husband are coming for dinner tomorrow. I need to do a few errands as usual.
I decided to write 5 things about my fiance, Saro for today's Friday Five.
1.) In case any of you were wondering what nationality Saro is, he's Armenian. He was born here in the U.S.A. (same hospital as me!) and has visited Armenia. He speaks and writes the language fluently. I've come to LOVE Armenian food. My soon to be mother in law makes some of the best.
2.) He's the hardest working person I know. In the 7 years I've known him and I'm sure before that, he's never once called out sick even if he's had a fever. Fever to me = always stay home. He works a lot of hours & 6 days per week. Example - yesterday he worked from 8:30am-10:30pm and woke up today at 5:00am to go back *thumbs down!*
3.) He's color blind. Every time we go out, he asks me if his outfit matches.
4.) He hates public transportation, food that jiggles - jell-o, custard, cottage cheese,
5.) He loves food so spicy that it makes him sweat, popcorn, Snickers, vanilla ice cream, nuts, beer, & tuna right out of the can.
Have a great weekend!